Web Weekly

Some links to check out for the week:

First, a few more links addressing our problem of individualism.  As Justin Taylor reminds us, it can affect the way we read the Bible.  As John Stott notes, individualism also infects our understanding of salvation and the church.  Against this individualism, Trevin Wax notes one of many reasons that we need the church.

Second, Darrin Patrick addreses the idolatry issue by reminding us that we are all worshippers.   Thabiti Anyabwile gives us great quote from Thomas Watson on the true believer’s desire for Christ.

Third, Tullian Tchividjian reminds us that God calls many to secular jobs which they are to do to the glory of God.  An excerpt:  Martin Luther was once approached by a working man who wanted to know how he could serve the Lord. Luther asked him, “What is your work now?” The man replied, “I’m a shoemaker.”  Much to the cobbler’s surprise, Luther replied, “Then make a good shoe and sell it at a fair price.”  He didn’t tell the man to make “Christian shoes.”   I love that last sentence.  I can see it now:  Shoes with a Christian fish on them – that would make them Christian, right?  Spare us!  Read the rest of the link to think further about secular callings.

Fourth, how do we decide what to do in those so called grey areas?  Justin Taylor gives us eight helpful questions to ask to help us answer the grey area question.

Fifth, J. D. Greear gives a thought-provoking post on how generosity and the gospel necessarily relate.

Finally, consider Trevin Wax’s helpful prayer for humility.